Bricking and Unbricking My iPod Touch While Upgrading To 2.1

I’ve been happily running my iPod Touch with it’s original 1.1.4 firmware (jailbroken of course), but there were some apps that I really wanted from the App Store.  I bit my pride, grudgingly loaded iTunes on my laptop, signed up for an iTunes account, and downloaded the 2.1 upgrade. I discovered that although iTunes can […]

Getting Java Plugin to work in Firefox 2 under Hardy Heron

I’m running the KDE4 version of Kubuntu Hardy Heron. Yesterday my wife ran across a site where she needed java support. In earlier version I just had used automatix2 to install java, but unfortunetly they aren’t providing a 8.04 version. I fired up adept and installed the sun-java6-jre and sun-java6-plugins packages, but for some reason […]

Annoyance: Logitech Setpoint Asking for Administrator Privileges on User Login

I like using Logitech setpoint software to define the horizontal scroll and other extra buttons on my LX7 mouse. Unfortunately every time I would login as a non-administrative user the following message would pop up: Logitech Update Sorry You must have Administrator privileges to complete the task. I found the kernel of the solution on […]